Agius of the blog,
Neat Things, stood at the entrance of a College Republican meeting and attempted to recruit soldiers to fight in Our Leader's Glorious Iraq Adventure. He was quickly met by the Official Guardian of College Republican Honor (he keeps the honor in his wallet next to the condom he hopes to use someday), who berated him for his insensitivity and prevented him from continuing his recruitment efforts.
See the video.
For his courage, the General awards Agius a Silver Cojones Medal with a Wheelbarrow Device for bravery under fire.
Elsewhere: military service is
below a Romney.
"America has been in too many wars for any of our wishes, but not a one of them was won by being sensitive," Cheney said in Dayton. "President Lincoln and General Grant did not wage sensitive warfare -- nor did President Roosevelt, nor Generals Eisenhower and MacArthur. A 'sensitive war' will not destroy the evil men who killed 3,000 Americans and who seek the chemical, nuclear and biological weapons to kill hundreds of thousands more."
You need to be sensitive, and I'm going to show you how sensitive you need to be by pointing my finger at you and raising my voice.
I'm starting an activist mailing list for those people who want to get legislation passed now and who want to do more than wait until elections and more than want to complain about Republicans. send email to
webmaster@boycott-republicans.com with the subject
I encourage you to get as many friends, fellow workers, and people you will get to know to join my mailing list.
I thought the same thing.
Next time, shave, button down, khakhi's, and don't hand over the entire pile of leaflets to the doorman.
call it a costume if you have to.
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