She loves the smell of blood in the morning
Michelle Malkin
Concentration Camp Enthusiast
Dear Mrs. Malkin,

As much as I enjoy seeing you eviscerate grieving mothers, I think your viciousness could be applied more effectively. Your unwavering support for the war and your fierce hatred of brown people combine to make you the perfect candidate for service in Iraq. At 35, you're still eligible for duty, and your husband, like thousands of other fathers across the nation, could take care of the kids while you bring freedom to the undeserving idolators of Mosul and Tikrit.
I can almost see you know, covered in blood, feasting on the livers of your enemies, and I don't even want to think about what you'd do to the insurgents.
We need you in Iraq. Please answer your nation's call.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Note to readers: We need your help fighting the war with letters and faxes.
A helmet tip to reader stevenyc.
fighting the war with letters and faxes what a bunch of cowardly pussies GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND DO SOMETHING YOU LAZY MOTHERFUCKERS
Wow, a troll!
There's a flaw here, General. Michelle would surely get assigned to interrogation work because of the viciousness she's shown. Wait, that's not a flaw, is it? We always need new torturers, as for some stupid reason they end up getting sent to jail.
Michelle, go get them!
General sir,
Captain Carnacki is proud to report he enlisted his 4-year-old daughter in the noble cause of Operation Yellow Elephant.
Click here
and search: Carnacki.
Thank you, sir.
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