Quotations from Chairman Bush

See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.
Greece, New York, May 24, 2005
I went to the Congress last September and proposed fundamental -- supplemental funding, which is money for armor and body parts....
Erie, PA, September 4, 2004
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
Washington, DC, August 5, 2004
I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain -- I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation.
Crawford, TX, August 20, 2002
"Free societies are hopeful societies. And free societies will be allies against these hateful few who have no conscience, who kill at the whim of a hat." Washington, D.C. Sept. 17, 2004
"Taking...out of context?"
Say, Tokyupig34: if you can ease up on the LOLs and the ADD, maybe you can explain in what "context" those quotes make any sort of sense.
First, though, you might want to ask a grownup what "context" means.
Face it: your President is a dumbass.
you fucking facists need to stop demeaning brown poeple
1st quote: Nothing wrong with propoganda. How can you combat liberal propoganda? With the truth? No such r0xx0r1n' luck! In order to fight liberal lies and propoganda you need to use conservative truth and propoganda. Notice how bush says the word "truth"?
2nd quote: Sure, the whole 'that's money for body parts' sounds stupid until you realize that's what it is: money for armor and money for better medical equipment so as to prevent the loss of body parts. It also includes money for prostetic limbs.
3rd quote: I could see how you liberals could get confused by this. It's like the saying:
"I love you," followed by the reply "me too." It doesn't mean that the person replying loves themself, it means they love the person saying 'I love you'. Simple grammer you guys. In this case what he means is 'terrorists never stop trying to hurt us and we never stop trying to hurt them.' You snooty liberals really need to get a clue.
4th quote: He's the president of the USA he doesn't really need to explain why he does stuff. And yeah, it sounds bad, but at least he is being honest, unlike your precious Bill Clinton who missused power because he "could."
Once again Anonymous sweeps in and saves the day from the liberal lies!
Jayeeshush blesh ush awull!
I didn't just take Bush quotes "out of context." I also photoshopped some of Bush's features onto a picture of Deng Xioping. How cool is that?
racist bullshit this is
sick racist shit
Dude - Photoshopping ANYTHING is way cool. I need CS for my mac so badly.
And you Bushies out there ... how, exactly, is this racist?
Oh sure, Photoshop his features on the one communist no one knows about...
Um - "no one knows about"? The "Little Giant" was maybe the most market-oriented (gee - sounds Republican, doesn't it?) reformer in China - he held sway from Mao's death (1976) until after his own, in 1997. Maybe you'd like Bush's face over Castro's, or Yuri Andropov's (other unknowns). Are you red-staters really this fucking dumb? READ THE PAPERS. CHECK WICKIPEDIA. Like, under Deng Xiaoping listen? (Simplified Chinese: 邓小平; Traditional Chinese: 鄧小平; pinyin: Dèng Xiǎopíng; Wade-Giles: Teng Hsiao-p'ing; pronounced "Dung Shyao-ping"; August 22, 1904—February 19, 1997) was a revolutionary elder in the Communist Party of China (CPC) who served as the de facto ruler of the People's Republic of China from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, forming the core of the "second generation" CPC leadership. Under his tutelage, China developed one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
Grow up. Your ideas are literally non-sense. They make nothing we can use. For us to rely on Bush, his cronies, and the sky-god that they invoke when they pillage and rape, is non-availing. Give up. Stand down. Or, if you are of age, go to Iraq and fight for what you believe in. And remember to post to this site until you are blown to bits. Enjoy. I am too old to go, but you can do it. Stand up. Go fight. Your contribution to the gene pool will not be missed.
what makes RACIST photoshopping "way cool" racists like you should be sent to iraq to have there balls shot off by brown people
stevenyc, you are "too old to go"? get a job with halliberton if you arent a giant pussy
No Halliburton for me ... how old are you, why aren't you in Iraq, and why is this racist? If you can't explain, smash your computer and move to Utah.
I'd just like to point out that unless you can SPELL "grammar," you shouldn't be critiquing anyone's. Sorry for being so "snooty" as to think that one's credibility is actually affected by how one presents one's ideas -- sucky presentation = no credibility.
stevenyc shut the fuck up you racist pig you should shove your own computer up your ass and then go kill brown people for the empire before they blow your balls off if you have any left
up my ass anonymous? hmmm, better grab the laptop...
a laptop might be too small
No, no, NOT THE DESKTOP ! ...
Sorry to disappoint all here but that is where Stevie keeps his laptop so it stays warm
Powerbook as Pottybook? Seriously, are all of you anonymous posters out there just Dems or liberals (or both) spoofing and trying to prove that Republicans are monumentally dumb? I can't believe that the only thing Repubs are capable of is all this ass play and homophobic crap. I know a few Republicans that are actually somewhat thoughtful (OK ... two of them). One has admitted that Bush is a complete disgrace, and one hasn't.
If you can add something useful, do it. Explain why the Bush youth and those who would feed at the Bush trough shouldn't lay down their lives alongside the other classes that fight the wars we make, ill-advised or not.
And try "Hooked on Phonics" - it might set you free.
So what will it be? Engage? Or another fart joke?
!??!?!?!?!?!?!? ur asses! go jack off to you pathetic beeeleaf that er aktually makeing a difffferences!!!!
and yes i am an anonymous pussy myself and even though i am a racist pig i voted against republicans so i think that makes me special
I said that ??
and yes I am a question dodging racist bigot
death to brown people!
yes i am lily pale whitey like hitler must have looked like after he died and I dont give a shit about the brown people that we make fun of because they are lower than me
I cut my head in half with a cheese grater when I was looking for my balls
"I want to appreciate those of you who wear our nation's uniform for your sacrifice." Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 14, 2005
is this supposed to be a post about how Bush is a dirty gook or dumb quotes?
The Wisdom of Chairman Bush (The Little Red-State Book):
"I think war is a dangerous place." Washington, D.C., May 7, 2003
"Comment spam is crucial to my avoiding my own racism"
-SteveNYC, August 17, 2005
"I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood with me in the Rose Garden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose: you disarm, or we will." Re: Saddam Hussein, Manchester, N.H., Oct. 5, 2002
fucking facist democrats should have there balls shot off too
I am a facist democrat and it makes me poop to see all the brown people in my party
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