Yellophant Command Vehicle
Blogslut sent me this photo of a car that brought protesters to Crawford to mock Cindy Sheehan's pain. The shape and color are correct, and the ribbons prove that the owner is doing his part for the war effort. Yep, it has to be Paul Gourley's official College Republican command vehicle.

There are more photos at Democratic Underground. As you well know, the people at DU are a bunch of filthy, communist hippies, so be sure to offend them by donating money to their fundraiser.
There has to be a name for this obsession with ties and ribbons. Remember, Gourley had a tie in his mouth. There must be something sacremental to it.
I'm so dark and nihilistic! Nothing is r0xx0r1n'!
Blame friggin' Tony Orlando and Dawn ...
Tony Orlando and Dawn are the ONLY people NOT to have made money from this mawkish obsession. Good grief, I think the original song was about some dude gettin' out of jail.
I think you are correct, stinkeye ...
that's priceless
I found the image accompanying this article rather inspiring.
Thought I'd pass it along.
You will know your enemy by their car. ;)
u hippies are just jealous that you are too busy sucking cock to buy a car! U can all kiss my Cunting penis!
Jayeeshush Blesh Ush Awull!
According to a poster at DU, a redneck in a truck just rolled his vehicle over half the crosses the protesters set up.
I hope OYE will get ahold of some of the photos taken at the incident. They display the true face of the GOP, and reveal their true attitude towards the fallen troops.
...Not that WE needed any further proof. But the rest of America does. Little by little, they'll prove that you can't fool all of the People ALL of the time.
And the GOP will never see control of our government again.
But you can fool most of the people most of the time...
facist cabal
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