Michael Marcavage, Holy Warrior, but Why Not a Soldier in Iraq?

Now is the time for Michael Marcavage to come to the aid of his country. And you can help. The recruitment office in Philadelphia is at 215-474-0815. We can all call and encourage them to actively recruit Mr. Marcavage. Heck, they could use him as a spy to help enforce the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, couldn't they, then he could be helping scourge Iraq of terrorists while at the same time saving the military of the scourge of gays and lesbians. And for those of you who wish to encourage Michael Marcavage's enlistment yourself, you can send him a message at repent@repentamerica.com or by phone at 1-800-3-REPENT, or by this email form. I'm sure he'll appreciate the support.
Michael Marcavage displayed great courage confronting the evil of homosexuality last night at the Phillies game. Let's not waste that strength and courage in South Philadelphia. Michale Marcavage certainly can do better work in South Baghdad or in Fallujah.
Crossposted at AllSpinZone.
Well, he certainly appears able-bodied. why's he wasting his time at baseball games rather than abroad where our army needs him?
My question exactly, bullworth. Think what he could do holding a sign while protected by the military police over in Fallujah! The mind boggles! Surely the war would turn around.
Here is the best chickenhawk essay yet from a lady who recently reenlisted in the Reserves: http://www.livejournal.com/users/ginmar/490234.html
Sid, he may not support the war in Iraq. Still, he is valiant in facing down thousands of gays and lesbians with just a small honor guard of Philadelphia Police Officers and Philadelphia Phillies Security between him and certain humiliation. To that end, Michael Marcavage certainly will make a fine edition to our forces, as he has the courage to fight this holy battle.
Boy, that guy would look so handsome in military uniform!
Well, I couldn't resist. If the guy wants to fight gays, let him fight gay terrorists. Here's what I sent to Michael Marcavage:
I read about your courage in confronting the Gay Men's Chorus. We need men of your bravery to fight the evil ones "there" so we don't have to fight them "here."
Please help our country in this noble cause and enlist forthwith to fight the war on homosexual terrorists.
Patriot Americans are depending on men like you.
I signed in as Betsy Ross from Freedom, KY, but left my real email. Wonder if he'll write me back.
The Impolitic
As a gay man of a certain vintage, the photo inspired the following reaction: "Oh, Mary, who do you think you're kidding?"
sid, methinks you miss the point.
Many of the people you are describing are folks who are at this moment thinking the war in Iraq was a bad idea. Many people who voted for Bush--or even those who didn't vote--also feel the war was a bad idea.
But there are others who lambaste (the word criticize is far too tame) the anti-war crowd for speaking the damn truth. And the truth is that this administration lied its ass off to get into this war. Now if you disagree with that, stop reading. But if you agree that this war was based on a pack of lies, then you also have to agree that those defending this war share the blind loyalty for Bush that Bush has for his "vision"--that freedom in Iraq is just around the corner and anybody who disagrees deserves unmitigated scorn.
The problem with such people is that they aren't doing the work. It's not because they don't believe in the work; it's because they are scared of dying. So they're willing to metaphorically scratch the eyes out of any critic of the war and keep typing away at the keyboard *SO LONG AS SOMEONE ELSE IS DOING THE FIGHTING!* The army has a well known shortage of folk. These are folk who could help. They don't want to because they don't want to pay the ultimate price. They are Chickenhawks, Sid. Yellow Elephants. The least they deserve is satire at the hands of a blogger. I think they deserve much worse but that's just me.
I must say I am very pleased Sid has come out with his arguments. This site should not be one-sided, after all.
Every single contributo here who supports the war has signed up to fight. I guarantee that. Sid, do you support the war?
Does anyone have any clue what Jay Tea had to say here? Man, I had to go look his website up to figure out which side of the fence he was on.
Jay, nobody is shooting messengers here. This article is about a guy with the courage to face thousands in the cultural war, and suggests that were he to be used as IED fodder in Iraq he may serve his country far better. After all, there are no gay and lasbian terrorists attacking skyscrapers in our major cities, Jerry Falwell notwithstanding.
Truly, I've no clue why you brought George Bush I or Clinton into this. Clinton, that I've seen, has not advocated for the War in Iraq. The whole concept of Operation Yellow Elephant, in case it has slipped past you, is to alert military recruiters to those who support the war, figuring they would be those who would most likely enlist. Ergo, your pointing towards Bill Clinton, who does not support the war, is. . . let me put this kindly. . . as logically challenging as "intelligent design." We don't accept such "faith-based" approaches here.
"And one final word -- get the fuck over yourselves."
Uh oh, better watch out. Jay Tea's got clout. He's been hanging around Cheney.
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