Monday, September 10, 2007

Will VDH Speak for Himself?

Noted pro-war historian Victor Davis Hanson in an interview published in FrontPage Magazine:

War and the Fallacies of Our Critics

[ . . . ]

Q: With all the incessant criticism and umbrage caused by the invasion and our continued policing of Iraq, do you think it will be possible for America to fight and win any wars in the future? I mean, won’t we always lose the home front? Currently, it seems as if, among the mainstream media and the Democratic Party, no level of casualties is acceptable.

VDH: The richer, more leisured a society becomes of smaller and smaller families, the harder it is to deploy sons and daughters to the 7th ring of the Inferno like Iraq. [ . . . ]

Q: [ . . . ] What of the practice of people like Michael Moore walking around wanting to know why Senators and Congressmen aren’t sending or signing-up their sons to fight in Iraq as if there is a personal basis for determining the course of national action?

VDH: [ . . . ] As for the Chicken-hawk argument-first, there are no fronts in this war since 9/11; nearly as many were killed in Manhattan as during combat in Iraq. Second, this is a volunteer military where rights, responsibilities, and dangers are well understood. Third, each American according to his station contributes to the war effort - since out of a cohort of many millions of 18-25 year olds, only a few can serve in the front lines. In general, the military appreciates those who support its efforts more than those who either condemn it or think it is naively fooled by Halliburton profiteers.

OYE Comment:

Of course, VDH has a 24-year-old son. We've asked him directly whether his son is even eligible to serve; he hasn't replied. But now we know why:

Each American according to his station contributes to the war effort - since out of a cohort of many millions of 18-25 year olds, only a few can serve in the front lines.

Further OYE Comment:

And VDH's son is most certainly NOT one of them.


At 15 September, 2007 12:05, Blogger Yarrum said...

One wonders why, as it often does, that the best way for the poor to contribute is to enlist, while the best way for the rich to do so is to receive tax cuts.


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