Monday, September 03, 2007

Veteran/Army Times Writer calls to End the Ban on Gays in the Military

Robert F. Dorr, an Air Force Veteran and retired Foreign Service Officer, has penned a column asking for the Commander in Chief to lift the ban on gays serving in Our Military.

The Money Quote:

"In recent years, at least five opinion writers have argued on this page for an end to restrictions on military service by gays. I was not one of those writers. In previous columns, I wrote that homosexuality is incompatible with military service.

I was wrong.

America has changed and become more tolerant. But even before America changed, I was wrong.

If I can change, so can you: It’s time to lift a ban that was never needed and welcome qualified gay Americans who wish to serve."

Operation Yellow Elephant believes that Patriotism is not limited to heterosexuals and we commend Mr. Dorr for recognizing that The Military is most strong when all of Our Country's best and brightest are allowed entrance.


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