The first member of the Bush clan to wear a uniform in the Global War on Terror, Presidential nephew George P. Bush [eldest son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush], age 30, has joined the Navy Reserve.
Operation Yellow Elephant thanks Mr. Bush for his commitment to serving our nation and wishes him all the best if he is called to active duty.
Prince Harry is going to Iraq and now the British are removing forces from the region. Maybe this is some ploy to give a reason for the US to leave. Does not look so "cut and run" when the Empire has skin in the game. Got to protect Imperial Tush at all costs.
If this kid had any balls, he'd be enlisting to go to Iraq. instead, he's following in his uncle's tracks... get an easy "posting" away from any possibility of seeing action and what do you want to bet in a few months he'll sorta "forget" about his training and weekends and won't be found anywhere near a base? Another Poon-TANG Bush. Another aWol in the making.
Where are Jenna and Non-Jenna? when are they enlisting?
Navy reserve? Didn't they mock that on the Simpson's saying they were the 32nd in line to defend this country between the league of women voters and the boy scouts?
Mayday! Mayday! Mon general! The BYU young republicans are protesting the BYU young Democrats ( all six of 'em) who are protesting a visit by Dick Cheney. Is it not time for the armed services to set a up a booth or two to catch the patriotic fever!! Thank You for your service! STEVO!
Prince Harry is going to Iraq and now the British are removing forces from the region. Maybe this is some ploy to give a reason for the US to leave. Does not look so "cut and run" when the Empire has skin in the game. Got to protect Imperial Tush at all costs.
Since the Washington Times is so gung ho for the war, I'm wondering if any of Sun Yung Moon's relatives have enlisted.
- Jersey Shore
If this kid had any balls, he'd be enlisting to go to Iraq. instead, he's following in his uncle's tracks... get an easy "posting" away from any possibility of seeing action and what do you want to bet in a few months he'll sorta "forget" about his training and weekends and won't be found anywhere near a base? Another Poon-TANG Bush. Another aWol in the making.
Where are Jenna and Non-Jenna? when are they enlisting?
Navy reserve? Didn't they mock that on the Simpson's saying they were the 32nd in line to defend this country between the league of women voters and the boy scouts?
Another hawk conservative radio talk show hosts refuses to serve even though he's of age.
Mayday! Mayday! Mon general! The BYU young republicans are protesting the BYU young Democrats ( all six of 'em) who are protesting a visit by Dick Cheney. Is it not time for the armed services to set a up a booth or two to catch the patriotic fever!! Thank You for your service! STEVO!
In other news, Hell has frozen over, and Osama bin Laden has reported converting to Judaism and backing an Israeli-controlled Jerusalem.
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