Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Message to Chickenhawks: Be A Man! Enlist!

The pro-war organization Move America Forward will rally in San Diego's Balboa Park Friday, March 3, from 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. Details here. They've been shadowing Cindy Sheehan to share their message, as is their right.

The best way Real Americans can welcome Move America Forward to San Diego is to encourage everyone who shows up and appears eligible to serve [healthy heterosexuals under 40] to Be A Man! Enlist! Ask other pro-war supporters to encourage their eligible relatives and friends to consider military service. If they really want to Support President Bush and Support The Troops, they'll appreciate your suggestions.

Of course, if President Bush wanted to Support the Troops, he'd kick Jenna's Yellow Elephant beau Henry Hager off of the public payroll for being a wuss.

Update: Well, Move America Forward got "75-100" people to show up on a Friday afternoon in conservative San Diego where the weather is always perfect.

Think about it.


At 02 March, 2006 09:48, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The following is from Mattland Evolutions (he's ex-Navy):

Quick disclaimer - this is all via the 'rumour mill'...

Last Friday night some military friend(s) of mine got some news. For them its either good or bad news, depending on their point of view. A very few of them will see it as a chance to get closer to the "action". But for most, and unfortunately, its a bit shocking. As for me it's a little earth-shattering - especially since one of them was my replacement when I left the Navy. Quick background... when I was in the military, I was an E-2C Hawkeye Naval Flight Officer. That means I flew around in a radar equipped plane and directed the air-war. That's a VERY watered down description, but it covers the basics. My friends and others that got 'the news' are of varying but similar backgrounds. As with several occupations in the military, they have some extensive EW training (Electronic Warfare). Which sets the stage...

It seems that they all fall into a particular category at the moment - they're all on shore duty (after being on sea-duty for several years... it's called 'payback'), and they all have at least one year left at their current duty-station. Life right now is supposed to be focused on family, training others to do what you've done already, and supporting those in the Navy that are currently at sea. But on Friday night, some of them got a phone call - with a twist.

By and large, they're being ordered to supplement the Army and Marines on the ground in Iraq. That in itself isn't that strange, since the current trend has been to try and give the forces that have been on multiple deployments a break by rotating Air Force and Navy personnel into positions that could be easily 'substituted'. But... here's the twist. They're manning up a new unit - made up of a mix of personnel, to become field combat teams in charge of detecting IED's. Improvised Explosive Devices. WTF???

I will pledge loyalty to my Navy brethren - they are capable of doing the tasks they are trained for, and then some. But to take a Naval Aviator, teach him in a couple of months how to fire a rifle and command Army or Marine troops on the ground, and much less put him in some experimental platform to detect and disarm IED's because the Army and Marine experts are tired and out of people?? That's like asking a surgeon to become the coach of an NFL Football team!!

In my book, that's called a "Desperate Administration in a Desperate Situation".

I wish I could prove it to you. I wish I had documentation. But I don't. Not yet.

Somebody out there is going to say (like my naive friend at work - notice I still call him 'friend'), "well they're in the military it comes with the territory". To those people I say: "You don't know what the hell you're talking about". The military is as specialized as a hospital - you don't go throwing people into positions that they're not trained or prepared for because the doctor is out to lunch.

I wish them luck, and wonder how long till people like me in the IRR get activated. I also wonder how long till people like YOU get drafted. You DO know that minimum draft age is being changed to 40, don't you??

At 02 March, 2006 13:31, Blogger Jeff Emanuel said...

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At 02 March, 2006 13:32, Blogger Jeff Emanuel said...

The only person who has seriously proposed a draft since it was outlawed after Vietnam is Representative Charlie Rangel (D-NY) in 2004 and 2005. The only other major politician who has even DISCUSSED it in a public forum is Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), in 2004. It's amazing how a Democrat can propose something, and people will believe that it was a Republican idea.
As far as Operation Yellow Elephant goes...the military votes, and has voted since Reagan, over 85% Republican. Sounds like the Republicans have already been joining up for a while. Good luck getting more though...if you can get EVERY Republican to join, guess there'll be nothing but Democrats left here to run the country (while Republicans die for your freedom to do so). Scary thought.

At 03 March, 2006 11:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

j.p. -

Exactly how does a conflict over a fabricated threat 6,000 miles away equate to "d[ying] for [y]our freedom"?
What evidence is there that Iraq was encroaching on "our freedom"?

What "freedoms" do you speak of?

The Right to Due Process?
Freedom of Assembly?
Freedom of Speech?

Are those rights being preserved? -Here? -by your "Party of Ideas"? Please, you use them like a punchline.

If you choose to throw the 85% Republican statistic for miltary voters, fine, heres another:

U.S. Troops in Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006

Surely, there had to be some Republicans among them.
Nah, it doesen't suit your agenda.

While you're at it, feel free to confront these guys:
Your belligerence will be well recieved.

Like your trainwreck of a website says:"Can't Spell Dawgs Without "W"'

Nor can you spell:


..Without "W" either.

Good luck on the TownHall job. It's a great place, kinda like the Onion, only it's not funny. Judging by the brilliant verbosity of your posted comment, I'm sure you'll be able to come up with clever metaphors for "Ragheads".

At 03 March, 2006 13:24, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the US has ever gone to war because someone violated the first admendment. However, the ACLU has.

At 03 March, 2006 17:04, Anonymous Anonymous said...

J.P. Emanuel said...
The only person who has seriously proposed a draft since it was outlawed after Vietnam is Representative Charlie Rangel (D-NY) in 2004 and 2005. The only other major politician who has even DISCUSSED it in a public forum is Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), in 2004. It's amazing how a Democrat can propose something, and people will believe that it was a Republican idea.

Do you even know what you're talking about? Dems know why the issue of a draft was proposed by these two Democrats - do YOU know why they did it?

As far as Operation Yellow Elephant goes...the military votes, and has voted since Reagan, over 85% Republican. Sounds like the Republicans have already been joining up for a while. Good luck getting more though...if you can get EVERY Republican to join, guess there'll be nothing but Democrats left here to run the country (while Republicans die for your freedom to do so). Scary thought.

It's only scary that you (1) either really believe that, or (2) are lying and always do so to try and make a point. The enlisted military are a close approximation of the demographics of the country, in that there is probably about a 50/50 split between Republicans and Democrats. Now the officer class, that's a different matter...

So Democrats are in Iraq, fighting for your cheeto-eating, pseudo-bad, neocon fat ass, right alongside Republicans.

Oh, and 72% of them want to come home. Maybe you should enlist?

At 04 March, 2006 06:01, Blogger Karl said...

j.p. emanuel-

You are correct that a majority of current military servicemembers self-identify with one party (Republican) more than the other (Democratic); that figure represents the sum of individual choices.

But the opposite is not true: Just because one is a Republican does not mean that one is affiliated with our military. This is precisely the problem:

We all know that the liberal media refuses to report on the enlisted servicemembers from the enormous Bush clan, even though Scott McClellan mentions them at every other press briefing.

We all know that the liberal media has imposed an embargo on all those enlisted servicemembers who are close relatives or friends of Bush Rangers (raised $200,000+), Bush Pioneers ($100,000-$199,999) and influential Republican Party officials.

We all know that Jenna Bush has dumped her beau Henry Hager, a Republican political appointee at the Commerce Department, because he refuses to enlist. Or maybe he has enlisted and is already in Iraq, but the liberal media won't tell us.

That's because Operation Yellow Elephant has been trying to identify the future leaders of our governing party who are fulfilling their national leadership responsibility to set a good example for the rest of us, in this case by stepping forward for military service.

You must know more about all the Republican support for the war effort, beyond yellow ribbons, care packages sent by healthy heterosexual males (not men) of military age, and those meaningless "Support the Troops" rallies that never suggest that real Americans contact military recruiters to see if they qualify for service.

So why don't you tell us? We'd like to save the Republican Party from total irrelevance by sharing all this real Support for the Troops with the American people via this website.

Thanks very much.

At 19 March, 2006 22:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So Democrats are in Iraq, fighting for your cheeto-eating, pseudo-bad, neocon fat ass, right alongside Republicans.

Oh, and 72% of them want to come home. Maybe you should enlist?"

You might want to check out a person's profile before you look ridiculous...J.P. Emanuel was a Special Operations soldier in Iraq, as well as in several other places, doing what you can only attempt to ridicule others into doing in your place and protecting your right to be an outspoken, ignorant fool.


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