Saturday, December 17, 2005

Military Recruiting Lead: The Phillips Foundation

Let's meet the 2005 winners of the Phillips Foundation's Ronald Reagan Future Leaders of America Scholarship, recognized for their potential to be political/civic leaders. Operation Yellow Elephant salutes Matthew Gabler, Army ROTC, Samuel Shepherd, US Army veteran, Jimmy Viet Van, LCPL USCMR and Sean C. White, Air Force ROTC, for their service to our country and wishes them all the best.

However, we wonder why The Phillips Foundation is joining with Cindy Sheehan and The Left in counter-recruitment efforts, given that our Army is now accepting a significant yet undisclosed double-digit percentage of new recruits scoring in the lowest mental categories, but nevertheless intends to comply with the newly doubled 4% ceiling for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006. [Or, they think it will be increased, again.]

The Phillips Foundation has recognized at least three dozen young men, and a significant number of young women, who, if heterosexual, appear well-qualified to Support President Bush right now, by volunteering for military service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Given their leadership and other qualities so honored, why does the Phillips Foundation agree with The Left that these future leaders of our governing party should avoid military service?

Ask Jeff Hollingsworth of the Phillips Foundation yourself. [Note that's dot-com.]


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