A Welcome Way to Support Our Troops: Be A Man! Enlist!

[Of course, Operation Yellow Elephant salutes the service and sacrifice of ALL military personnel, to include both women (of all sexual orientations) and non-heterosexuals (of both, or all, genders). And we'll continue to salute all of them, and their service, on this blog.]
That's why The Yellow Ribbons, "a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization comprised of professional young women in the [Washington] DC metro area, whose mission is to support deployed and rehabilitating soldiers by raising money through fundraising events and undertaking various projects to keep our troops' morale high," is most welcome: They're focused on our troops!
They're having a major fundraiser Saturday, October 13, 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., at the City Tavern Club, 3206 M Street, NW [Georgetown], Washington, D.C. Further details including tickets [starting at $60] are available at The Yellow Ribbons' website.
So, what does this have to do with our topic? Two things:
First, if anyone wants to Ask The Question of an officer or member of The Yellow Ribbons, or the organization itself, please feel free to do so, and forward their substantive response to us for publication on this blog.
Second, if their event attracts any healthy heterosexual 41-or-under male civilians who support President Bush [including Henry Hager], we hope The Yellow Ribbons will inspire them to Be A Man! Enlist!
We have asked them to do so and will share their response here.
Let the American people decide!
Hat tip to Wonkette.
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