Berkeley Update: Code Pink v. Move America Forward

Organized by KSFO radio personality Melanie Morgan, chair of Move America Forward, pro-war, anti-Islamic and anti-immigration demonstrators converged on the Berkeley Recruiting Center today (Wednesday October 17), caravanning into town with their SUVs and Harleys decked out in American flags to face off with Code Pink, the anti-war group that has held vigils in front of the 64 Shattuck Square Recruitment Office for three weeks.
The mostly female demonstrators from Code Pink and their allies—Sing for Peace, the World Can’t Wait, Berkeley High students, the Ecumenical Peace Institute—mustered around 125 demonstrators, but their message spoken into hand-held bull horns was sometimes drowned out by the pro-war side’s superior sound system; the 250 or so mostly male counter-demonstrators clearly outnumbered Code Pink’s participants.
The pro-war counter-demonstrators came from as far as Santa Rosa and as close as the UC Berkeley campus; they represented groups including the American Legion, the Gathering of Eagles, Eagles Up and the UC Berkeley College Republicans.
OYE Comment:
Well, were any of the "250 or so mostly male counter-demonstrators" also healthy, heterosexual and 41-or-under? If so, Operation Yellow Elephant certainly hopes that Melanie Morgan and Move America Forward personally encouraged them to Be A Man! Enlist!
Here's why we doubt that they even bothered: Move America Forward can't even encourage its own Executive Director, Robert Dixon, a healthy heterosexual male well under 41, to Respond to Our Question whether he has at least considered volunteering for military service.
If Move America Forward cannot even find the courage within itself to respond to Operation Yellow Elephant, they definitely won't be successful against Code Pink.
Photo tip to The Daily Californian.
Melanie Morgan:
Fake blonde
Fake tits
Fake reporter
Fake patriot
A very educated comment. I don't know who Melanie Morgan is but that is no way to talk to a lady.
Hedgehogs are not ladies...
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