Friday, November 18, 2005

For Career and Country

Here's the best reason why President Bush's strongest supporters who are eligible to serve should enlist today: Your careers!

"I like guys who've never been there that criticize us who've been there. I like that. I like guys who got five deferments and never been there and send people to war, and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done."

-- Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), rebuking President Bush and Vice President Cheney "for their aggressive new campaign to denounce war critics."

Don't let this happen to you. Enhance your political resume and support Your President and Your Country at the same time. Report to your local Armed Forces Recruiting Station and enlist today! Show your support for the war in the most honest way you can: on the front lines.

[Hat tip to Arken]


At 18 November, 2005 10:25, Blogger Jamie said...

New York Times has an article today about how bad the recruitment levels are for our military. Bad news for the military and Pentagon but good news for OYE. Time to hit up those fine young Republicans.


At 18 November, 2005 11:20, Blogger Karl said...

Operation Yellow Elephant strongly supports U.S. success in Iraq and elsewhere.

Therefore, that's why we ask President Bush's strongest - eligible - supporters, including the College Republicans and the Young Republicans, otherwise qualified, to consider volunteering for military service.

You've read that soldier's e-mail above (whether that particular soldier exists in reality or not) and its sentiments make the case far better than anyone else can.

So, Young Republican, will you serve your country or yourself?

We report. You decide.

At 18 November, 2005 11:49, Blogger Karl said...

Although I haven't closely analyzed the e-mail, I think you're right.

There's not a single typo. Who in a war zone has that kind of time or perfectionist tendencies?

At 18 November, 2005 15:43, Blogger Gyrobo said...

But if all the College Republicans enlist, they might end up hating war. Where will the Karl Roves and Dick Cheneys of the future come from then?

At 18 November, 2005 22:33, Blogger phinky said...

Bella, I looked at the article you provided the URL to and it looks outdated. Even though applications to West Point increased since 9/11 and are still higher than pre-9/11 levels. The applications for the class of 2009 dropped 8.7 percent. Also, college graduates with a bachelor's degree who enlist join the Army as a Specialist (E-4), not a Private (E-1). Plus the Army repays up to $60,000 in student loans to college grads who enlist. It looks like the article was written in 2003. It mentions the "soap opera surrounding Jessica Lynch". I believe this article is at least two years old.

At 19 November, 2005 11:20, Blogger Karl said...

I think they're OK now.

At 19 November, 2005 11:21, Blogger Frederick said...

Hey Bella,

I got hit up by the chain-mail nazi, check it out:


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