Thursday, January 10, 2008

Christian Science Monitor addresses Military Service by All Americans

America's Upper Classes Have Gone AWOL

So many 'elites' today simply lack human reference points to war.

by Peter A. Gudmundsson [pictured]

Read the whole thing. Here are key recommendations:

What can we do to correct course? To begin, America must find a way to reengage the nation's elites with the satisfactions and sacrifices of military and national service. Leading colleges should reinstate ROTC programs. Corporations should emphasize postmilitary recruiting. Likewise, professional organizations such as bar associations and business trade groups must seek opportunities to attend military expositions and demonstrations.

OYE Comment:

OK, Mr. Gudmundsson, thank you for your service to our country, but we think you can do a bit better on this topic, as follows:

1. Do you support repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy against non-heterosexuals in our military, which is the latest excuse for elite colleges not to welcome ROTC?

2. Would you encourage major party Presidential Conventions to invite military recruiters, and give them a booth for free, to engage with eligible* participants or their (non-eligible*) influencers?

We welcome your comments. Thank you.

*Healthy heterosexuals 41-or-under.

What should OYE readers and supporters do?

Please type in your own Letter to the Editor of the Christian Science Monitor on our topic. You don't have to mention Operation Yellow Elephant, but it would be appreciated. Thanks!


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