Sunday, September 16, 2007

Yellow Elephant Joins Operation Yellow Elephant!

None other than Fred Kagan of the American Enterprise Institute, the intellectual author of The Surge, has joined with Operation Yellow Elephant and called upon President Bush to Be A Man! Money quote:

The president must issue a personal call for young Americans to volunteer to fight in the decisive conflict of this generation.

Well, Dr. Kagan, President Bush hasn't done that yet, has he? And Dr. Kagan himself has never bothered to respond to (or even acknowledge) our polite e-mail messages, thus giving us advance permission to post without any obligation to try to contact him.

Major hat tip to Glenn Greenwald. The Greenwald article goes beyond our topic but is well worth a read, along with the comments.


At 16 September, 2007 19:28, Blogger Chris Bray said...

It appears from available online sources that Frederick Kagan was born around 1969. Since the U.S. Army is now taking new recruits up to the age of 42, it would seem that this pro-enlistment, able-bodied, heterosexual male should have the opportunity to do what he urges others to do. An invitation would be appropriate.

At 16 September, 2007 19:44, Blogger OYE said...

Yes, he's ignored our invitations, sent to

On behalf of President Bush, please feel free to extend your own.

At 16 September, 2007 20:02, Blogger Unknown said...

Shouldn't Kagan's appearance alone be a valid basis for rejecting any military strategies he proposes? What business does anyone have listening to a butterball like that talking about how to win a war? He doesn't even look like he's ever seen a flight of stairs, let alone the wrong end of a gun in his face.

At 16 September, 2007 22:56, Blogger Wek said...

One of the comments on Greenwald's thread caused me to spit up the peach I was eating. A person calling himself 'TRUE PHOTO' said the following:

"OH MY GOD that photo! Why do neocons all look as though they hide in the bushes near school yards to sniff children's bicycle seats?"

At 17 September, 2007 00:41, Blogger a progressive crank said...

well, he does look like Basic might do him a world of good.

I didn't realize you could have a shame-ectomy: how else to explain the Kagans?

It all proves the Smedley Butler was right: War is a racket.

At 17 September, 2007 13:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kagan also said that he opposed Senator Webb's proposal that soldiers and Marines be given equal time at home and at war. Kagan said that if the troops want to come home then they need to win the war.

Kagan and his father, both real chickenhawks.

But I must confess, I love Donald Kagan's book on the Peloponnesian War.

At 17 September, 2007 17:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's got purty mouth...

At 17 September, 2007 17:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that should read: he's got "a" purty mouth...



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