Well, it's a Sharp-shinned Hawk, not technically a chicken hawk... the "classic" chicken hawk is a Cooper's Hawk - http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1199/1400343536_6bf57ff6a3.jpg
But Cooper's Hawks should be associated with these chickenshits. Coops' actions are consistent with their personality, and they do not shy from a fight. I understand how the name came about, but it seems so unfair.
They appear to have a good football team. This should be documented as the 1st time a chickenhawk has worn any type of uniform.
Well, it's a Sharp-shinned Hawk, not technically a chicken hawk... the "classic" chicken hawk is a Cooper's Hawk - http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1199/1400343536_6bf57ff6a3.jpg
But Cooper's Hawks should be associated with these chickenshits. Coops' actions are consistent with their personality, and they do not shy from a fight. I understand how the name came about, but it seems so unfair.
Oops - I meant Coops should NOT be associated with the chickenshits.
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