Tuesday, June 27, 2006

An Emergency Vodka Cart Too Far

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this back-handed slap at the Operation Yellow Elephant concept by Christopher Hitchens:

What happened to the human shields? I didn't think it was wise or principled of certain activists to go to Baghdad in 2003 and swear to put themselves between Iraqi civilians and undue harm. (To most Iraqis and Kurds, they looked like sheepish guards who were standing between Saddam Hussein and what was rightly coming to him, and there were protests at their presence. And they did seem to leave when things became nasty.) But the idea of witnessing for peace in this manner has its attractions. That new hero, Rep. John Murtha, repeated a familiar slur the other day, attacking Karl Rove for supporting the war from an air-conditioned office--as if a person with a White House job has no right to an opinion on the war. But would not now be the ideal time for those who hate war to go to Iraq and stand outside the mosques, hospitals, schools, and women's centers that are daily subjected to murderous assaults? This would write an imperishable page in the history of American dissent.

Hey Stumbly! We won't serve as "peace shields" in Iraq for the same reason war bloggers and College Republicans refuse to join the military. We don't want to die for a stupid idea that is doomed to fail.


At 27 June, 2006 23:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is sad, General, sir, to see the debilitating effects that too much alcohol can have on a once acute and critical mind. Oh, wait. We don't want acute and critical minds. My apologies.

At 27 June, 2006 23:40, Blogger Sonic said...

Don't be mean about Hitchys war


At 28 June, 2006 00:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If we could get Hitchens and Coulter to hook up, think of the little soldiers they'd make. It'd be revolting...er...uh... I mean revolutionary.

At 28 June, 2006 02:27, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's an anti-war project that he forgot to mention..

At 28 June, 2006 03:15, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares if Hitchens is a drunk? Wolfowitz and Bush claim to be teetotalers and they're completely insane.

At 28 June, 2006 07:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares what Mr Kitchens thinks, fer Chrissake?

At 28 June, 2006 17:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5. What happened to my bottle of 12 year old scotch?

Somebody told me to check here.

At 29 June, 2006 14:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Chris Hitchens get off his own fat, lazy ass, fly to Baghdad, do some serious investigative reporting about all the fabulous things happening around Irsq, and fill us all in on how great it all is. He can take us on a personal tour of Iraq and show us how much things have improved since we rescued them from clutches of Saddam.

Forget the security detail Chris! Who needs embedding! Pussies!!! You'll be okay. You're a manly man.

At 03 July, 2006 01:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys love when America "loses". This blog is definitely patriotic. Canada is looking for some more new residents, so I recommend you leave.

At 03 July, 2006 09:17, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same Hitchens that used to write for the Liberal Rag "Nation" that I used to read before PC (personal computer) and if so was it a disease or accident that screwed up his mind.
I love people like anonymousey, who seems to love it when America looks like an asshole , overbearing white trash Nazi Empire, I guess in his eyes that's better than losing, I would in turn suggest you go to North Korea, where the government will be more than happy to look after your security and happiness.
Before you holler racist or prejudice , I'm a 57 yr old white southern male who can trace his people back to SC in 1752 with an ancestor that fought with Jackson in Battle of New Orleans, why should I leave , my people been here a lot longer than yours..
The America Love It or Leave it bumper stickers of the 60's used to piss me off real bad ... My Motto is America Love it or change it... nuff said

At 04 July, 2006 00:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that the freeper slut from atlas shrugged?


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