Saturday, December 03, 2005

Yellow Elephant on NBC Saturday: My talents are needed here in Maine (not Iraq)

We all remember Dan Schuberth (Bowdoin '06), who brought national attention to Operation Yellow Elephant for denouncing his non-elephant classmate, Alex Cornell du Houx, for going to Iraq as a Marine Corps reservist despite his personal reservations about the war.

Watch NBC Nightly News TV Saturday December 3 for their story.

Buried at the bottom of this article is the latest Yellow Elephant excuse: Dan Schuberth says,

I feel that my talents [are] most needed here in Maine.

Maine? I thought that we were fighting terrorists in Iraq so we don't have to fight them in America. Dan, whom are you fighting in Maine?


At 03 December, 2005 12:14, Blogger IsThatLatin said...

"I feel that my talents [are] most needed here in Maine.

Maine? I thought that we were fighting terrorists in Iraq so we don't have to fight them in America. Dan, whom are you fighting in Maine?"

Good question...another good question might be..."What talents?" (this is an excuse I often hear on my campus). What special talents does he have that some non-war-supporting person doesn't have. I'm sure that those who don't support the war can hold the fort while he's off fighting for his beloved nation.

At 04 December, 2005 11:46, Blogger Karl said...

I don't think that Dan Schuberth has any plans to join law enforcement or Homeland Security.

At least, his known talents don't seem to be of any use to such organizations.

At 16 December, 2005 14:27, Blogger The Truffle said...

Pffffft. Even if Doughboy can't serve in a combat unit, the military still needs medics, clerks, chefs, mechanics, and the like. Heck, they've even taken back amputees. Doughboy would find himself welcomed with open arms if he enlisted. Right?


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