Thursday, October 06, 2005

Whining at the Student Union

From the Rocky Mountain Collegian:

The second lie liberals have been spouting lately is that conservatives, most notably the College Republicans, are being hypocritical for supporting the war in Iraq/on terror and the troops serving in those wars without enlisting themselves. This is ludicrous. Supporting the troops means letting them do their jobs and praying for their safety, NOT saying you support them and then holding a rally damning the cause they are fighting for. Also, where exactly do the people spreading this garbage think the military gets their officers and best leaders if not from the ranks of college graduates?

I reply:

As the founder of Operation Yellow Elephant, the movement that popularized the hypocrisy of College Republicans who refuse to fight in the war they demanded, I find it amusing to watch them justify their refusal to match their words with actions.

The College Republicans were among the most vocal proponents of this war. They characterized it as one of the greatest struggles of all time and made ludicrous comparisons to WWII and the Civil War. Yet, at a time when the military faces its greatest recruiting crisis in decades, they hold affirmative action bake sales and attack those who want to bring our soldiers home.

If you really believe in the rightness and the importance of this war, put off college for a couple of years and sign up. Otherwise, shut up. Your whining is pathetic.


At 06 October, 2005 11:24, Blogger Aaron Kinney said...

You tell 'em! Dont forget to mention that if they sign up now, then the military will pay for the rest of their college! :)

At 06 October, 2005 14:05, Blogger Bazz said...

Nice. Blunt and to-the-point. (affirmative action bake sales? Really?)

At 06 October, 2005 14:21, Blogger Cathie said...

May I add that many, many military officers are critical of this war, so I guess they aren't supporting themselves and are wanting to commit suicide, right?

At 07 October, 2005 01:48, Blogger timnayar said...

Bravo... again...

I just want our troops back home because I am tired of seeing a hell of a lot of potential in these very brave lives wasted by shmucks who refuse to admit that they were wrong by sending them into this bloody mess in the first place.

At 07 October, 2005 01:55, Blogger Tom Harper said...

Yeah! Blunt and to the point, as the situation calls for. I've had it up to here with uninvolved do-nothing chickenhawks who think that by displaying flag decals and attending pro-war rallies, they're doing their part. They may never learn anything but it's fun to keep teaching them.

At 08 October, 2005 09:55, Blogger zelda1 said...

I told rich kid in my latin class who drives big hummer thing that if he really wants to help the war effort there are many things he can do and he says like what and I say first you might not drive that big gas guzzling machine, second you might join the military and put off college for a bit, and third you might consider voting democrate and hope that we can get the boys and girls home before too many more are maimed or killed. he says, that's not what I meant and with perfect timing, the vet, who is in my American Lit class, walks over to me, the vet who lost his arm, the vet who joined the gurad to pay for his education and to get him really good insurance and help him support his wife and kid. That vet.


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