Sunday, August 28, 2005

Katrina and the National Guard

With Katrina, a category five hurricane, scheduled to hit and quite possibly level New Orleans, and New Orleans being the port of entry for one-third of US oil imports, with two of four Strategic Petroleum Reserves located nearby, is it a bad time to get snarky about the number of Louisiana's National Guardsmen serving overseas?

I expect everyone in Louisiana is going to be helping out in the aftermath of Katrina, but this is an especially excellent opportunity for the Louisiana Young Republican Freedom Fighters to start thinking about replenishing the ranks.

(major hat-tips to atrios and Freelixer a kos).


At 28 August, 2005 23:47, Blogger The Kenosha Kid said...


At 29 August, 2005 10:43, Blogger Brendan said...

More than 3,000 members of the Louisiana National Guard’s 256th Brigade serving in Iraq can only watch from Baghdad as Hurricane Katrina bears down on their families and homes in New Orleans and the other south Louisiana communities from which they hail. The deployed soldiers and their equipment, which includes high water vehicles, Humvees and generators, will be sorely missed as Louisiana attempts to prepare for and recover from the historic Category Five storm.

At 31 January, 2006 15:14, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was mobilized to go to Louisiana and they brought the LA troops back early but were keeping them on orders so they had income and medical. We had some looking for work from us. Not perfect, but better than getting the boot from active duty. The plan was to work them into ongoing recovery efforts near their homes. Their state HQ was pretty much a loss.


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