Thursday, November 29, 2007

An Instant OYE Hall of Fame Inductee

This may be a setup. It is as though Benjamin Johnson, co-chairman of the Iowa Federation of College Republicans, had set a goal of becoming featured by Operation Yellow Elephant. Not since Matthew Continetti have we been handed a profile in hypocrisy and cowardice that virtually wrote the post for us.

In Mr. Johnson's own words (video 1):

"Do I think it's good to keep America safe? Yes, of course. Do I think that people have forgotten about September 11th and the...the...the brutal attack on America? Yes, I think they have". . . . . . . ."Situations can become so political. So extremely political that you lose the real reason why we went to Iraq to begin with."

How exactly does Mr. Johnson 'support' The Troops (video 2)?

"We have a, uhhhh, support the troops grill out every single year."

Instead of sending his own ass into combat, Benjamin sends.....

"Beef jerky! Love beef jerky! That is the biggest thing! They just looooove it! So we buy packs of beef jerky. . ."

In Arts and Craft Class, Ben makes.....

"We'll have like, you know, ribbon days for...for the troops. The yellow ribbons. Where we'll make the yellow ribbons and we'll hand them out all over campus."

In his conclusion our young Patriot offers this:

"If you love George Bush or you hate him. If you love the war in Iraq or you hate it". . . . . . . ."irregardless of your opinions the American soldier is someone who needs to be respected. Someone who needs to be honored. Because he is just doing his job to protect the things we hold dear. So that is why we get such support when we do this. Such support when we do this support the troops grill out. . . . .That is why I am so honored to support them personally."

OYE Comment: It is comforting to know that there are Real Americans that carry a rifle to work so that Benjamin Johnson will be free to talk to girls, blow bubbles (as seen in video 1), and apply an ocean of lotion through his hair. With the enlistment age having been raised to the age of 42 and under, Mr. Johnson has a couple of decades to salvage the credibility he has all but expelled. Our attempts to contact the yellow ribbon maker were dismissed completely, but we hope that with encouragement from many he will comprehend what it means to "support them personally".

Hat tip to the Iowa Independent, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, VetVoice, BlogActive and Wonkette.


At 29 November, 2007 03:36, Blogger Nixon said...

Great! I'm glad the young Ben Johnson has been asked to answer the call on OYE. I suggested in this post that he doesn't even need to serve in uniform. He can assist the mission in Iraq he claims to support by serving in a civilian capacity, which the Secretary of Defense recently called on young people at KSU to do. If he comes to the green zone in Baghdad, I can guarantee him 3 squares a day, relative safety, fun morale-boosting activities, and I'll even throw in some of my bootlegged DVD collection for him to sweeten the deal. Thanks OYE!

At 30 November, 2007 16:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy is so effeminate that he probably wouldn't cut it in the military even if he wanted to.

At 30 November, 2007 16:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if he and his mom bake cookies for the troops?

At 13 December, 2007 22:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think they allow gays in the military still, so I think he's pretty much off the hook.


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