Sunday, July 01, 2007

Contact your Senators and Representative

"When I returned to law school after serving a tour in Iraq, I started getting harassing phone calls from my student loan lender saying that I was defaulting on my loan payments. Due to my deployment, I had used up all of my permissible grace period."
-Patrick Campbell, Iraq Veteran

Our Country's Veterans are being flogged when they return home to complete their education. Currently, their deployments do not put a freeze on the allotted grace period to begin repaying college loans. The universities the Student-Soldiers attend have been little help as well by not refunding tuition if they go overseas mid-semester or giving them the adequate time to complete these courses when they return.

Patrick Campbell, an Iraq Veteran and the Legislative Director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), made recommendations to Senator Sherrod Brown and Representative Susan Davis who introduced the Veterans Education Tuition Support (VETS) Act to congress on Wednesday. The bill will do as follows:
  • Require colleges to refund tuition for service members who deploy (or provide future credits).
  • Restore veterans to their academic status when they return.
  • Cap student loan interest payments at 6% while the student is deployed.
  • Extend the period of time a student-soldier has to re-enroll after returning from abroad.
Contact your lawmakers immediately, if not sooner, and demand your Senators pass S. 1718 and your Representative pass HR. 2910. As we've noted, not everyone has what it takes to Be A Man! Enlist! Yet nearly everyone has access to a phone, or E-mail, or a letter, envelope and a stamp.


At 01 July, 2007 13:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Mr. X:
I was giving some more thought to the plethora of fallicies and Inaccuracies in your blog, I can't help but wonder, why don't you attack young conservative democrats who support the war but don't enlist?It supports dan savage's argument that you're an anti- republican blog. If you were non-partisan as you claim to be you would "expose" young democrats who support the war but refuse to fight.

At 01 July, 2007 20:26, Blogger Wek said...

Mr. X,

When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks he replied "Because that's where the money is." Same principle.

Also, if you have any leads of eligible-to-serve Democrats that are pro-war please feel welcome to send their info my way. Just click on my name under the Contributors banner and my E-mail addy will pop up.

At 02 July, 2007 00:17, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Mr. X:
well, apparently you have no problem hunting down young republicans on myspace and through other sources, and any other means neccesary. Why is it that you will spend hours finding republicans who support the war that aren't in the army; yet when it comes to "exposing" democrats who support the war who won't fight, well, that's someone elses job. (apparently mine). Passing off responsibility... How progressive. This is yet more proof that oye lacks credibility and relevance.

At 02 July, 2007 17:54, Blogger OYE said...

Mr. X-

why don't you attack young conservative Democrats who support the war but don't enlist?

Why is it that you will spend hours finding Republicans who support the war that aren't in the army; yet when it comes to "exposing" Democrats who support the war who won't fight, well, that's someone elses job. (apparently mine).

We Support President Bush by focusing on His Party. It is the College and Young Republicans who have yet to support His Leadership by volunteering for military service.

That said, are there any "young conservative Democrats who support the war" out there? There may be - somewhere. But it is Our President's Party that needs our attention the most.

At 05 July, 2007 12:39, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr X, keep throwing that sand up. You might just cloud the point...


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