Track Palin: Congrats on your Wedding!

U.S. Army reservist and Iraq veteran Track Palin, 22, married his longtime girlfriend Britta Hanson, 21, earlier this year. His mother ran for Vice President on the Republican ticket in 2008.
We wish the happy couple all the best.
This hasn't stopped liberal media who hate his mother - a public figure - from publicizing Britta's Facebook pics showing that they have a baby on the way, and doing a little math in the process.
Frankly, we don't care, and we're not alone.
From Dissent of the Day on Andrew Sullivan:
A reader writes:And there's more:You're out of line here. This guy has made no effort to be in the public spotlight. In fact, given the media's obsession with Sarah Palin, I would guess that his absence required some effort on his part. He's a private citizen, leave him alone. Sarah Palin is a public figure, and it's an obscenity that she is considered seriously. Have at her. Have at her husband and appalling daughter, who have chosen to be public figures. Track Palin clearly has chosen to be private. Please respect that choice. You've had your privacy invaded, don't do it to others.Well, I wouldn't have known about this unless his new wife hadn't posted photos on her Facebook page. As for Track, he is constantly mentioned by his mother in speeches. He chose to appear in her reality show. When the Palins opt for privacy, I will respect it punctiliously. I wish they would.
A reader writes:OYE Comment: The First Amendment protects even useless gossip and meaningless drivel from those who see politics as a religion that can give meaning to their lives. And they don't know that People Magazine paid anyone anything.You wrote: "Well, I wouldn't have known about this unless his new wife hadn't posted photos on her Facebook page." Seriously? That's the new standard? Sarah Palin's daughter-in-law tried to share pictures with friends and family, and that makes it our business? Hell no. Palin's noxious behavior does not give you cover to be one magnitude less noxious. In fact, it should give you more concern for what proper journalism should look like: a continuing observation of substantive issues in the lives of the public, not simply anything within distant sight of the public. Palin's poison is coursing through your arteries and your readers are trying to get that idea through to you.Another writes:You say that Britta posted the photo, but that doesn't seem to be the case, based on the Gawker item you originally linked to. The photo was posted by a male - based on the profile pic - who wrote "my beautiful britta pie!", so presumably it was Track. However, Gawker redacted the name of the poster, which wouldn't make sense if it was Track.We emailed Maureen O'Connor at Gawker and she clarified that "it was a close friend who posted it" - not Britta or Track. Another reader still thinks it's a legitimate story:Track Palin and and his wife either sold, or allowed to be sold, photos and details of their wedding to People magazine. Persons who voluntarily expose and publicize their lives via a celebrity news publication have clearly made an "effort to be in the public spotlight" and have chosen to be public figures. It's likely they received substantial remuneration in exchange for that exposure.
Furthermore, Britta's apparent due date (September 29th) indicates that she was five months pregnant on her wedding day. This is newsworthy, considering the family's well-circulated views about abstinence and pre-marital sex.
'Look at it this way: He's over 21, has served his country, made it home and is building a family. We wish him well.
PS. Even the hundreds of gay and lesbian couples who got married all over New York State yesterday - the first day of Marriage Equality in the Empire State - deserve both privacy and respect. Be happy for Track Palin and Britta Hanson, and for everyone who makes that commitment.
'Time to lighten up.
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