Monday, February 08, 2010

National Review's Rich Lowry: Another non-expert on DADT

We are still amazed by media organizations who interview recognized national security experts on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" without ever asking about their qualifications, if any, to opine on U.S. military personnel policies on open service by non-heterosexuals.

The latest is National Review's Rich Lowry, whom we featured back in 2007. [Search this blog on Lowry.] Granted, pundit Ana Marie Cox, Wonkette Emerita, is probably in a similar category, in which case the program [which for technical reasons we have not yet been able to see ourselves] probably counts as entertainment. If you're staying home due to Snowpocalypse!, well, Enjoy!

We recently confirmed that the U.S. Army Reserve welcomes expressions of interest from healthy heterosexuals 41 or under, and Rich Lowry still qualifies. Why not ask him yourself to Be A Man! Enlist!?

OYE Comment:

Isn't it time for National Review to update its Lowry pic? Hel-lo!

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