Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Road Trip!

OYE feels obligated to attend this event in Orlando to help the 'youthy' Republicans actually become the decent, Patriotic Americans they've fallen short of developing into.
DtD Exchange '09 will be a gathering of young people from across the State of Florida where they will have the opportunity to discuss the future of the Republican Party. The event is open to all ages, but will focus on young voters, 18 - 35 years of age.

So, who will be speaking at this event of young Republicans? None other than 59 year old Olympic Gold Medalist, Bruce Jenner (to be fair the former Miss California, Carrie Prejean, will also be involved).

We'll keep you posted.


At 22 July, 2009 00:27, Anonymous People in the Sun said...

You know what... I had to check who this third speaker was going to be. So I just saw the CPAC video I've managed to avoid for so long. This kid is eating the inside of my soul.


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