Wednesday, February 25, 2009

George Clooney on Darfur

Actor/Activist George Clooney met with President Obama and VP Biden to discuss intervention in Darfur.
The actor, who made a documentary highlighting the Darfur conflict and has been outspoken on the issue, said it was "nice to hear" that the region is a priority for the Obama White House.

"There was some concern that this could fall off the radar," he said. "There's quite a few other things [the administration is tackling], but they assured me this is high on their agenda."

He also delivered to Mr. Obama 250,000 postcards from Americans who want the new president to help end the crisis in Darfur.
OYE Comment: Mr. Clooney clearly believes entering the war in Darfur as a noble cause. Yet noble causes still produce dead and wounded. Nowhere on his organization's website did we read that he encourages enlisting in The Military if the United States chooses to become involved in the conflict. So we ask Mr. Clooney are you going to encourage those that support your organization's goals to Be A Man! Enlist! Or would he be content with battles being fought as long others' boots are on the ground.

Note: George Clooney is past the age of 41. He personally is no longer eligible to enlist.



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