The Romney boys: not made of the same stuff as the Sullivans
Romney's five service-eligible sons opt out of national service:
Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney did not serve in Vietnam due to his Mormon missionary work and a high draft lottery number. He was asked the question after a speech in which he called for "a surge of support" for U.S. forces in Iraq by Rachel Griffiths, 41, of Milan, Ill., identified herself as a member of Quad City Progressive Action for the Common Good, as well as the sister of an Army major who had served in Iraq.
"Of course not," Griffiths said when asked if she was satisfied with Romney's answer. "He told me the way his son shows support for our military and our nation is to buy a Winnebago and ride across Iowa and help him get elected."

So Governor Romney has been asked the question so his boys didn't have to answer. But he may find that isn't a good enough answer, especially in Watertown, Iowa, home of the Fighting Sullivans, the five brothers who all perished while serving on the same ship during WWII.
Not all fortunate sons take their responsibilities so lightly:
Rival John McCain's son, Jimmy, a 19-year-old Marine, had orders to go to Iraq this summer. The Arizona senator is a decorated Vietnam War veteran and former POW.Operation Yellow Elephant salutes Jimmy McCain on his service with the USMC and acknowledges his father's distinguished service during the Vietnam War.
"The good news is that we have a volunteer Army and that's the way we're going to keep it," Romney told some 200 people gathered in an abbey near the Mississippi River that had been converted into a hotel. "My sons are all adults and they've made decisions about their careers and they've chosen not to serve in the military and active duty and I respect their decision in that regard."
He added: "One of the ways my sons are showing support for our nation is helping me get elected because they think I'd be a great president."
Romney's five sons range in age from 37 to 26 and have worked as real estate developers, sports marketers and advertising executives. They are now actively campaigning for their father and have a "Five Brothers" blog on Romney's campaign Web site.
Romney noted that his middle son, 36-year-old Josh, was completing a recreational vehicle tour of all 99 Iowa counties on Wednesday and said, "I respect that and respect all those and the way they serve this great country."
Since Governor Romney supports escalating the conflict in Iraq with more troops on the ground, it's disappointing to learn that his five service-age sons find working the rubber-chicken and coffee-klatch circuit more valuable to this great nation than taking part in the escalation themselves.
Is it too much to ask that one or more of them to Man Up and Enlist?
Technorati Tags: OperationYellowElephant
Didn't all of FDR's sons serve as well?
Great post!
Saving Private Romney
I have some questions for Romney and sons...
Is Iowa now as safe as an open-air market in Indiana?
Does the "Romney Family RV of Equivalent Service" have the proper armor plating?
Is it really safe for Josh Romney to be taking his family outside the Green Zone in Des Moines?
Will Romney Campaign Volunteers be extended by three months past the date of the Iowas caucuses?
Can the Republicans, Democrats and Kurds make significant progress towards reconciliation in time for General Petraeus's report in September?
[cross commented with Rachel Maddow on Air America and Bill Dwight on WHMP.]
Does the family dog ride inside of the RV? Or does Mitt put him on the roof as he used to years ago?
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