Beating brown people for freedom
Theodore Reynolds
George Mason Police Department
Dear Officer Reynolds,

I was particularly impressed by your ability to discern Khan's terrorist intentions by simply looking at the color of his skin. Perhaps that's something you learned from being a dark brown man yourself. After all, you've experienced the way some white people look at you and instantly decide that you're about to rob or rape them. Maybe you picked up this skill from them.
In any event, you'll never get the recognition you deserve as long as you're attached to a domestic police unit. That's why I think you should sign-up for duty in Iraq. There are plenty of brown people to beat up over there. And if you can get yourself assigned to prison duty, they'll let you torture and rape whole families of brown people. I bet you'd enjoy that.
I hope you'll think about it.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
Note: this was an Air Force veteran they beat up.
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