Friday, December 24, 2010

Rep. Joe Pitts urges Americans to Support Our Troops in GOP Weekly Radio Address

Rep. Joe Pitts [R-PA], a Vietnam veteran, thanked our heroes in harm's way, including first responders, and urged Americans to think of our deployed servicemembers in the Republican Weekly Radio Address:
Hello, I’m Joe Pitts, and I have the great honor of serving the people of Pennsylvania’s Sixteenth Congressional District.

As another year comes to a close, the American people rise to meet the challenges of our time with resolve and determination. Before tackling the challenges that lie ahead, we join together to reflect on our blessings. [ . . . ]

In this time of year when we gather to celebrate family and fellowship, we are reminded of the fulfillment that comes from humbly serving one another.

We see the spirit of the season in the simple acts of kindness to aid families less fortunate.

We see it in our servicemembers who raise their hands and volunteer for extraordinary tasks in the defense of freedom. Many of these brave men and women are spending this holiday season far from our shores.

As a Vietnam veteran myself, I know the stress of being separated at this time of year. To those wearing the uniform in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world at this hour, know that we are behind you and we join your loved ones in praying for your safe return home.

To those standing watch closer to home – all the doctors, nurses, and emergency responders working around the clock, we thank you as well. We don’t always realize how much these tireless individuals give of themselves to patients and their families.

[ . . . ]

And let us strive to listen to one another, to treat one another with dignity and respect, and to do our part to see that the promise of the American Dream is fully realized for our children and their children.

May the peace and goodwill of this holiday season be with you and yours. Thank you for listening. Merry Christmas.
OYE Comment:

We thank Rep. Joe Pitts for his service to our country, both as an Air Force officer and in Congress.

While he voted against repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," we trust that he will acknowledge that Congress, in accordance with Article I, Section 8, of our Constitution, has made a decision, and the President has signed the legislation; thus, Rep. Pitts can best Support Our Troops, "to treat one another with dignity and respect," by supporting full, effective and speedy implementation of the new law.

The best way any private citizen can Support Our Troops is by at least considering volunteering for military service, if qualified [healthy and 41-or-under], or, if not personally eligible, encouraging one's own relatives and friends, one's circle of influence, to do the same.

We hope that the Republican National Committee and other party organizations, as well as their counterparts in the Democratic Party, will fulfill their national leadership responsibility to set a good example for the rest of us.

Even a simple press release is better than silence.

A holiday deployed is an awesome bonding experience, even though everyone is still working long hours, etc. Sending something homemade is always appreciated, especially in January and February. If you can't make something yourself, ask around [or check on the web] and send something specifically requested. Our deployed servicemembers will be very grateful.

Our best to all for the Holiday Season.

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