Saturday, August 18, 2007

OYE 106: for Candidates and Officials

Attention Officials and Candidates for Public Office-

As a non-partisan grass roots citizens initiative to Support Our President, Operation Yellow Elephant has not made political endorsements.

We do, however, take an active role in sharing with the American people what public officials, and candidates for public office, have said about our topic.

Our Questions for You:

Have you called on eligible* Americans to consider volunteering for military service? Have you any plans to do so?

Have you encouraged your own eligible* relatives and friends, your circles of influence, to consider volunteering for military service?

Have you encouraged your own relatives and friends, your circles of influence, including campaign contributors, not personally eligible* to serve, to encourage their own eligible* relatives and friends, etc., to consider volunteering for military service?

Do you support repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which would allow otherwise qualified non-heterosexuals to volunteer for military service?

If you support the status quo, have you publicly called on heterosexuals to Be A Man! Enlist!?

We welcome anything else you wish to say that addresses our topic. This includes your own biographies or other personal experiences you may choose to share with all Americans.

Please send to Operation Yellow Elephant. Thank you.

* healthy heterosexuals 41-or-under


At 08 January, 2008 20:35, Blogger Mad Man Mikey said...

Quick Query -

Have any candidates for President actually responded to this? If so have you (which actually means "can you") get the replies together and post them so I can read them?

Thanks, and keep up the good work.


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