Downloadable Stickers
To download: right click on your favorite sticker and select "save link location."
Print using Avery 5294 round labels. You may need to ask your local office store to order them for you or you can order them yourself over the web.

its great how we can rant against ranters, fuckin' A
these will look great on the bumpers of my GOP coward buddies vehicles. I cant wait for the shitstorm to follow. they know htey are cowards just like Bush and Cheney.
I printed out large a OYE logo and put it on the back of my car, like one of those W '04 stickers. I think it would be a good idea to have large stickers like that with the URL for the blog.
you arents upposed to put them on your car then you loook like a pussy and you're not a pussy because you enlisted i the operation but you should use them to vandalyze the brownshirts cars because they are fascshits
Please provide the artwork in a .eps or Adobe Illustrator .ai format. I'd love to make up some iron-on t-shirts to wear around...please include the site url too!
dumb bitches, i wish i had a bunch of the stickers so I could post them all over town. Iam not a coward because I dont want to fight for something I dont believe in. I know how to work my weapon better than anyone can work it.
The best thing to do is run to Canada if you dont want to fight. They have lots of great people and they dont have Bush!
Please create some poster material graphics. I ordered a t-shirt but the movement would take off a lot more rapidly if we could be provided with official graphics to print posters when showing up at local YR functions. There is a happy hour in my area tonight but the sticker graphics won't be good enough for printing on my color laser.
I would like to move to canada because it isnt a FACIST THEOCRACY, couldn't we set up an underground railroad to help people get out?
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